how to read the Optional set value in the Dynamic crm 2011:
OptionSetValue type =(OptionSetValue) entity1["new_billingtype"];
DateTime start = Convert.ToDateTime(entity1["new_startdate"]);
DateTime end = Convert.ToDateTime(entity1["new_enddate"]);
TimeSpan span = end.Subtract(start);
if (type.Value ==100000000) //Monthly
totalmonths = span.Days / 30;
how to read money field:
Money totallineamount = (Money)contact1["totallineitemamount"];
doing calculations with int field:
int fixdiff = Convert.ToInt32(contact1["new_fixeddifference"]);
Money invoicetotallineamt = new Money() { Value =(totallineamount.Value / fixdiff) };
Set the money field:
incidentEntity["totallineitemamount"] = invoicetotallineamt;
reading lookup field:
EntityReference customerref = (EntityReference)contact1["customerid"];
Set the Lookup field
Entity incidentEntity = new Entity();
incidentEntity.LogicalName = "invoice";
incidentEntity["customerid"] = customerref;
Retrieve all records:
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(true);
var contact1 = service.Retrieve("salesorder", workflowcontext.PrimaryEntityId, cols);
how to read the Optional set value in the Dynamic crm 2011:
OptionSetValue type =(OptionSetValue) entity1["new_billingtype"];
DateTime start = Convert.ToDateTime(entity1["new_startdate"]);
DateTime end = Convert.ToDateTime(entity1["new_enddate"]);
TimeSpan span = end.Subtract(start);
if (type.Value ==100000000) //Monthly
totalmonths = span.Days / 30;
how to read money field:
Money totallineamount = (Money)contact1["totallineitemamount"];
doing calculations with int field:
int fixdiff = Convert.ToInt32(contact1["new_fixeddifference"]);
Money invoicetotallineamt = new Money() { Value =(totallineamount.Value / fixdiff) };
Set the money field:
incidentEntity["totallineitemamount"] = invoicetotallineamt;
reading lookup field:
EntityReference customerref = (EntityReference)contact1["customerid"];
Set the Lookup field
Entity incidentEntity = new Entity();
incidentEntity.LogicalName = "invoice";
incidentEntity["customerid"] = customerref;
Retrieve all records:
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(true);
var contact1 = service.Retrieve("salesorder", workflowcontext.PrimaryEntityId, cols);