Thursday 29 March 2012

adding webservice with authorization in linkedIn. In silverlight (getting verifier)

Step 1:
we need to create a web service with the fuction:

In OauthlinkedIn.cs

public string AuthorizationLinkGet()
//here you need to change your callback url.
            string oauth_callback="http://localhost/DataAccess.asmx";
            string ret = null;          
            string response = oAuthWebRequest(Method.POST, REQUEST_TOKEN, String.Empty,oauth_callback);
            if (response.Length > 0)            {
                //response contains token and token secret.  We only need the token.
                NameValueCollection qs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(response);               
                if (qs["oauth_token"] != null)
                    this.Token = qs["oauth_token"];
                    this.TokenSecret = qs["oauth_token_secret"];
                    ret = AUTHORIZE + "?oauth_token=" + this.Token;                 


In default.asmx.cs (In webservice)

public string CreateAuthorization()
            string auth_link = _oauth.AuthorizationLinkGet();                     
            string auth_token = _oauth.Token;
            string auth_tokensecret = _oauth.TokenSecret;
            //string auth_verify = _oauth.AccessTokenGet(auth_token);
            string auth_verifier = _oauth.Verifier;             
            return auth_token;
we can call this function in silverlight.

public partial class MainPage : UserControl
        public const string AUTHORIZE = "";
        public string oauth_callback ="http://localhost/DataAccess.asmx";
        public MainPage()
            Service1SoapClient proxy = new Service1SoapClient();
            proxy.CreateAuthorizationCompleted+=new EventHandler<CreateAuthorizationCompletedEventArgs>(proxy_createauthorizationcompleted);

        private void proxy_createauthorizationcompleted(object sender, CreateAuthorizationCompletedEventArgs e)
               string  ret = AUTHORIZE + "?oauth_token=" + e.Result.ToString();
               System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri(ret));
               //NavigationService.Equals(ret, oauth_callback);               
              //  HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(ret);
                textBox1.Text = "Oauth_token :  " + e.Result.ToString();
                textBox1.Text = e.Result.ToString();

you  will redirect to linked in page, if you click on the continue, it will call back to localhost.

if you check in fiddler. you will get the verifier also. 

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