if we need to get the data from Lead, Appointment, Phone Entities.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AllReportees') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #AllReportees
CREATE TABLE #AllReportees
createdate Date,
uname varchar(50),
ownids uniqueidentifier,
phoneact varchar(50),
statuscode varchar(50)
INSERT INTO #AllReportees
select CONVERT(VARCHAR, createdon, 106) AS
date1,createdbyname,ownerid,activityid,statuscodename from FilteredPhoneCall
select CONVERT(VARCHAR, createdon, 106) AS
date1,createdbyname,ownerid,activityid,statuscodename from FilteredAppointment
select CONVERT(VARCHAR, createdon, 106) AS date1,createdbyname,ownerid,leadid,statuscodename
from FilteredLead
select *
,dbo.Getwrongnumbercount(dd.createdate,dd.uname) as wrongcall
from (
select ss.createdate,ss.uname,
count(distinct fp.activityid) as Phone ,
count(distinct fl.leadid) as lead,
(select count(*) from FilteredPhoneCall where (CONVERT(VARCHAR, createdon, 106)=
ss.createdate) and (statuscodename = 'Wrong Number' or statuscodename = 'No Response') )as
count(distinct fa.activityid) as appointment from #AllReportees ss
left OUTER JOIN FilteredSystemUser AS su WITH (NOLOCK) ON su.systemuserid=ss.ownids
left OUTER JOIN FilteredPhoneCall as fp WITH (NOLOCK) ON (fp.activityid=ss.phoneact)
left OUTER JOIN FilteredLead fl WITH (NOLOCK) ON (fl.leadid=ss.phoneact)
left OUTER JOIN FilteredAppointment AS fa WITH (NOLOCK) ON (fa.activityid=ss.phoneact)
WHERE (DATEPART(week, ss.createdate) = DATEPART(week, GETDATE())) group by
) dd
if we need to get the data from Lead, Appointment, Phone Entities.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AllReportees') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #AllReportees
CREATE TABLE #AllReportees
createdate Date,
uname varchar(50),
ownids uniqueidentifier,
phoneact varchar(50),
statuscode varchar(50)
INSERT INTO #AllReportees
select CONVERT(VARCHAR, createdon, 106) AS
date1,createdbyname,ownerid,activityid,statuscodename from FilteredPhoneCall
select CONVERT(VARCHAR, createdon, 106) AS
date1,createdbyname,ownerid,activityid,statuscodename from FilteredAppointment
select CONVERT(VARCHAR, createdon, 106) AS date1,createdbyname,ownerid,leadid,statuscodename
from FilteredLead
select *
,dbo.Getwrongnumbercount(dd.createdate,dd.uname) as wrongcall
from (
select ss.createdate,ss.uname,
count(distinct fp.activityid) as Phone ,
count(distinct fl.leadid) as lead,
(select count(*) from FilteredPhoneCall where (CONVERT(VARCHAR, createdon, 106)=
ss.createdate) and (statuscodename = 'Wrong Number' or statuscodename = 'No Response') )as
count(distinct fa.activityid) as appointment from #AllReportees ss
left OUTER JOIN FilteredSystemUser AS su WITH (NOLOCK) ON su.systemuserid=ss.ownids
left OUTER JOIN FilteredPhoneCall as fp WITH (NOLOCK) ON (fp.activityid=ss.phoneact)
left OUTER JOIN FilteredLead fl WITH (NOLOCK) ON (fl.leadid=ss.phoneact)
left OUTER JOIN FilteredAppointment AS fa WITH (NOLOCK) ON (fa.activityid=ss.phoneact)
WHERE (DATEPART(week, ss.createdate) = DATEPART(week, GETDATE())) group by
) dd
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